Where can I find vacancies at RECENDT?

You can find current job offers at RECENDT directly on the careers page of the RECENDT website - divided into current advertisements, advertisements for dissertations and master's or diploma theses. Of course, we also regularly publish our job offers on various job platforms.

No suitable job in the list?

Are there no job offers at the moment that meet your expectations and qualifications? Then we look forward to receiving your unsolicited application, preferably by e-mail to bewerbung@recendt.at or alternatively by post.

What requirements should I have as an applicant?

Our selection criteria are generally based on the requirements of the respective position. Basically, the overall picture of the applicant is decisive for us. For us, professional experience counts just as much as character, so the "overall package" should be coherent. It is also important for us that candidates identify with our values.

What are the ways I can apply?

In order to comply with data protection guidelines and to ensure rapid processing, we prefer to receive applications by e-mail. Of course, we also accept applications by post and are also happy to receive your speculative application.

Which application documents do I have to submit?

- Cover letter (optional)
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates of relevant degrees/training
- References from previous employers
- Evidence of further training

What does the application process look like?

1. application by mail preferred (alternatively by post)

2. confirmation of receipt of application (confirmation of data protection guidelines)
After sending your application, you will receive an automatically generated e-mail confirming receipt of your application and at the same time asking you to read the data protection guidelines so that we can consider your application. Should we require further documents or information, we will contact you by e-mail or telephone.

3. pre-selection (online and/or in person)
Our vacancies are usually advertised online for about 1 month. We want to give all candidates the same opportunities, which is why we wait until the end of the application period to make the final preselection.

4. interview
If your application documents convince us, you will be invited to a telephone or online interview or a personal interview at our office.

5. decision
As soon as the decision has been made in your favour, you will promptly receive all the information you need about our future cooperation as well as important documents for your first days at work. It is important for us to give all candidates (including those who did not make the cut) as much honest feedback as possible in a timely manner and to thank you for your efforts.

How long does it take until I get a first feedback?

Our positions are advertised for approx. 1 month. In the meantime, we will confirm receipt of your application. As your application will be examined intensively, the subsequent selection steps may take some time. Of course, the respective contact persons are always available to answer any questions you may have.

Who is the contact person for general questions about my application?

For general questions about the application please contact:
Ms Jessica Orel, T: +43 732 2468 4604, e-mail: jessica.orel@recendt.at

Who is the contact person for technical questions about the advertised position?

If you have any technical questions about the advertised position, please contact the person listed in the contact block of the advertisement by phone or e-mail.

How can I prepare for the personal interview?

Your application documents have convinced us, so we would like to get to know you even better and therefore invite you to a personal interview. This interview is often attended jointly by the HR and specialist departments. We will talk more intensively about your professional background, your professional skills and your suitability for the advertised position. In addition, we will also go into detail about the advertised position and, of course, be happy to answer any questions you still have about it. We would also like to gain a personal impression of you. Think about what makes you special and what milestones have shaped you in your life. Take this opportunity to convince us of who you are!

Does RECENDT assign topics for scientific papers?

In addition to job advertisements, we also offer opportunities for bachelor's, master's and diploma theses or dissertations. You can also apply for a scientific thesis by means of a speculative application.

Does RECENDT offer internships and holiday jobs?

Basically yes, the number of (vocational) internships and holiday jobs offered varies from year to year depending on demand and our current projects.

We maintain close contact with schools (AHS and BHS) to get young people interested in technology as early as possible.
We also regularly provide internships as part of the JKU Young Scientists talent promotion programme.

Which graduates are primarily sought by RECENDT?

RECENDT is looking for graduates mainly in STEM fields of study. In particular, the following fields of study are sought: physics and technical physics, chemistry and technical chemistry, mechatronics, electrical engineering, automation technology, materials science.

Where can I meet RECENDT in person?

Conferences, trade fairs, events etc.